2024 Natural Grocers Sustainability Report
SASB Index SASB Item SASB Item
Metric Metric
Natural Grocers Response Natural Grocers Response
Fleet Fuel Management
Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%)
Primarily third party deliveries. Natural Grocers trucking fleet of 3 vehicles serves partial deliveries to 36 stores. NG fleet 1,679 GJ, 0% renewable energy.
Air Emissions from Refrigeration Air Emissions from Refrigeration Air Emissions from Refrigeration
Gross global Scope 1 emissions from refrigerants Percentage of refrigerants consumed with zero ozone-depleting potential
Metric tons CO2-e FB-FR-110b.1 We endeavor to disclose this information in the future
Percentage (%) by weight
FB-FR-110b.2 We endeavor to disclose this information in the future FB-FR-110b.3 We endeavor to disclose this information in the future FB-FR-130a.1 (1)We endeavor to disclose this information in the future (2) 100% (3) 0% FB-FR-150a.1 We endeavor to disclose this information in the future.
Average refrigerant emissions rate
Percentage (%)
Energy Management
(1) Operational energy consumed (2) percentage grid electricity (3) percentage renewable
Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%)
Food Waste Management
Amount of food waste generated, percentage diverted from the waste stream
Metric tons (t), Percentage (%)
We do not offer self-service bulk bins, deli counter, meat counter, seafood counter, or salad bar to significantly reduce food waste. See also the Waste and Recycling subsection
Data Security
(1) Number of data breaches (2) percentage involving personally identifiable information(PII) (3) number of customers affected
Number, Percentage (%)
FB-FR-230a.1 (1) 0
(2) N/A (3) N/A
Data Security
Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks
FB-FR-230a.2 See the Data Privacy and Cybersecurity subsection FB-FR-250a.1 We endeavor to disclose this information in the future.
Food Safety
High-risk food safety violation rate
For more information about our approach, please see the Product Safety and Quality subsection.
Food Safety
(1) Number of recalls (2) number of units recalled (3) percentage of units recalled that are private-label products Revenue from products labeled and/or marketed to promote health and nutrition attributes
Number, Percentage (%)
FB-FR-250a.2 (1) Class I: None (2) N/A (3) N/A
Product Health & Nutrition
U.S. Dollars ($)
FB-FR-260a.1 In FY24 grocery products represented $878 million or 71% of Net Sales, and dietary supplements represented $244 million or 20% of Net Sales. All food and supplements products meet the 260a.1 requirements: the products sold by Natural Grocers must meet high
quality standards that are not known to contain artificial flavors, preservatives or sweeteners, synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The remaining $119 million or 9% of Net Sales relate to body care, pet and other products, most of which also have labeling and/or marketing to promote health and nutrition attributes. See also the Product Standards section.
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