Health Hotline Magazine | August 2021

STOP MENTAL DECLINE IN ITS TRACKS! Keep your brain forever young with these research-backed supplements By Lindsay Wilson

T here are a lot of perks to growing older (wisdom! confidence! perspective!), however, the little brain blips you may start to experience aren’t so fun, and maybe even a little worrisome. But some forgetfulness, slower recall, and decline in focus and attention is perfectly normal, and there are plenty of ways to boost your brain power via diet and supplementation with targeted nutrients so those Scientists used to think that neurons—the specific type of brain cells that allow us to think, learn, remember, make decisions, see, smell, taste, feel, and move—increasingly die as we age, but modern research has debunked that theory. According to John Morrison, PhD, professor of neurology at University of California Davis, if you age without a neurodegenerative disease such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s, “you don’t lose a significant number of neurons.” In fact, research has found that our neurons decline very little with normal aging, with an estimated loss of only two to four percent in a lifetime. Science has also shown us that our brains have the ability to change and grow throughout our lifetimes, allowing us to continue to learn new skills and form new memories as we age. This is called brain plasticity, and includes the brain’s ability to grow new neurons and synapses, the points at which neurons communicate with each other. little blips stay, well, little. What’s normal?

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