Health Hotline Magazine | February 2024
Stressed out? Hit a wall? Mood tanked? Stamina long gone? If you’ve reached the point where you feel like you can’t take on one more task, face one more problem, or just can’t take another punch, punch back with the power of rhodiola, the little plant with big benefits. Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herb native to high-altitude areas in Europe, Central Asia, Siberia, and North America and is known as an adaptogen. Much like its ability to adapt to and thrive in conditions that are less than ideal, rhodiola can also help our bodies adapt to physical and psychological stressors, as well as bu er the e ects of burnout and exhaustion. It can also have a positive e ect on mood. When life packs a punch— rholl with the punches with rhodiola. By Liz Mueller RHODIOLA Reclaim Your Resiliency with Bring Calm to the Chaos Think of rhodiola as bringing calm to the chaos by helping to promote a healthy stress response. It does this so well that the European Medicines Agency (Europe’s version of our FDA) approved Rhodiola rosea for use as an adapto gen for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion, and a general sensa tion of weakness, based on its long use in traditional medicine and numerous scientific studies. The adaptogenic compounds in rhodiola help the body adapt to stress by decreasing or preventing hormonal changes related to prolonged stress, including having the ability to balance the stress hormone cortisol. Chronically elevated cortisol levels may contribute to accelerated signs of aging, higher levels of psychosocial stress, poorer cognitive performance, atrophy of memory-related structures of the brain, weight gain, and exhaustion. Natural Grocers ® | 13
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