Health Hotline Magazine | April 2020
TO UP 26
F % OF
$ 3 29 26 % OFF CHOICE TEA ® Select Organic Teas 16 CT.
Since the beginning, Choice Tea has selected farmers and growers who share their vision for a healthy planet. ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $4.45
$ 1 29 26 % OFF ZEVIA ® Organic Stevia Sweetened Teas 12 OZ. Introducing Zevia Organic Tea with zero calories and zero sugar. ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $1.75
$ 2 79 25 % OFF ALEXIA ® Select Frozen Potatoes 15-16 OZ.
$ 2 35 25 % OFF NATURE’S PATH ® Organic Frozen Waffles 7.4 OZ. With so many choices of Nature's Path gluten-free frozen waffles, you can't go wrong with any selection! ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $3.15 25 Our Always % OFF
Discover the highest quality ingredients in Alexia's line of certified organic select frozen potatoes. ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $3.75
25 % OFF
23 % OFF
$ 8 99 25 % OFF
$ 10 49 60 VCAP ALWAYS AFFORDABLE 13.99 This coenzyme B-Complex contains essential B vitamins in their active, “coenzymated” form.* $ 15 99 120 VCAP COUNTRY LIFE ® Coenzyme B-Complex
Affordable Price on Select ECOS Items
NATURAL FACTORS ® Apple Cider Vinegar 500 mg 180 CAP
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) promotes good blood circulation, helps improve digestion, and helps lower the body's storage of fat.* ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $11.99
All items are available while supplies last; no rain checks. We reserve the right to correct errors. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Grocers | 15
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