Health Hotline Magazine | April 2020
$ 26 49 10 % OFF
NEW PRODUCTS of the month
NATURAL FORCE ® Pure Omega-3 Lemon 16 OZ .
Natural Force Pure Omega-3 is a mercury-free fish oil sourced from wild-caught Menhaden fish off the coast of Virginia. Rich in quality fats like EPA, DHA, and DPA. ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $29.75
$ 7 99 25 % OFF KETTLE & FIRE ® Bone Broths 32 OZ.
$ 2 69 15 % OFF GT’S ® Organic Kombuchas 16 OZ. GT’s Sacred Life is a celebratory offering that combines organic & raw Kombucha with refreshing coconut water, fresh pressed ginger, and blue spirulina! ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $3.19
$ 3 99 22 % OFF ALDEN’S ® Organic Ice Cream 14 OZ.
You can maximize the benefits of bone broth now in a new larger 32oz size, made with only the best ingredients! ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $10.69
Alden’s Moose Tracks is the perfect mix of fudge and peanut butter cups that is sure to please! ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $5.15
$ 12 69 28 % OFF
$ 29 99 11 % OFF NATURAL FORCE ® Keto MCT Oil 32 OZ.
$ 4 99 37 % OFF
NATURE’S ANSWER ® PerioBrite Dry Mouth Lemon-Lime 100 LOZ Reinvigorate your mouth with this refreshing lemon-lime mint flavored, convenient lozenge that packs a walloping punch of mouthwash, leaving your thirst-quenching mouth moistened and refresh.* ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $17.69
Natural Force Keto MCT Oil is a 100% pure C8 (caprylic acid) MCT oil from coconuts. C8 benefits include increased energy, focus, and mental clarity. * ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $33.99
MINERAL FUSION ® Nail Polish Various Colors 0.33 OZ. ALWAYS AFFORDABLE $7.99
All items are available while supplies last; no rain checks. We reserve the right to correct errors. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Grocers | 41
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