Health Hotline Magazine | July 2022
Activate Timeless Health with Resveratrol By Liz Mueller
P eople are always on the hunt for ways to look and feel younger—according to market research experts, the global anti-aging market is expected to grow from an already impressive $191.5 billion in 2019 to a staggering $421 billion by 2030. However, while we explore ways to look younger and slow the aging process, we should also find ways to put more health into our years, because while aging is inevitable, poor health is not. Resveratrol, with its wide-ranging beneficial e ects on everything from cellular health to blood sugar balance and cardiovascular health to brain health, might just be one of the easiest and most a ordable ways to activate timeless health. With Resveratrol, Our Cells Get a New Lease on Life Resveratrol was dubbed the “Fountain of Youth” by Harvard Medical School researchers after studies showed that the antioxidant could increase cell survival and slow aging in live yeast, specifically Saccharomyces cerevisiae , and later in mice, by activating a “longevity” gene known as silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1). This groundbreaking research showed that activating the SIRT1 gene extended lifespan by 70 percent and increased DNA stability. Sirtuins, such as SIRT1, regulate the aging process and are themselves regulated by diet and environmental stress. They also defend the body against free radicals, protecting cells against metabolic stresses.
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