Health Hotline Magazine | June 2022
By Lindsay Wilson is a Leaky Gut compromising your Health? The last couple of years has forced us to take a look at our collective state of health, and it didn’t look so good. But if anything positive has come out of the pandemic, it’s that it has given us a wake-up call to get healthy—and a lot of people have been motivated to do just that. We are re-evaluating our lifestyles and adopting healthier habits to promote optimal health, and one of the key areas to focus on in this quest to get healthy is gut health. Gut health impacts whole-body health, from our moods to how resilient and well-functioning our immune systems are (fun fact: 70 to 80 percent of the body’s immune cells are located in the gut). Gut health is critical to overall health, and one way it can be compromised, compromising overall health, is a condition called leaky gut. Many of the same factors that harm our general health—poor diet, too much alcohol, and stress—also harm our guts. Diets high in refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils, sugar, and processed foods; dietary pesticide exposure; excessive alcohol consumption; frequent use of antibiotics and over- the-counter pain relievers; chronic stress… these are all factors that damage the gut lining, and can eventually lead to leaky gut.
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