Health Hotline Magazine | March 2025
FIVE TO THRIVE Foundational Supplements for Health The supplements everyone should take for optimal health!
By Lindsay Wilson Americans believe that getting su cient vitamins and minerals “are essential for maintaining health,” yet we continue to show up with inadequate levels of a number of essential micronutrients. For example, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) found that: High levels of stress, an onslaught of chemical exposure, nutrient poor soils caused by years of conventional agricultural practices, ultra processed foods, etc. make dietary supplements an essential part of a healthy lifestyle—and we know that, but with the sheer number of supplements available, a lot of folks are confused about what exactly to take. Which supplements will build the foundation to help you thrive? Consider these “Five to Thrive”—five dietary supplements that most of us don’t get enough of, and ones that everyone can benefit from (#5 is the fun part where you personalize it to make it your own!).
46% 84% 95%
of the population has inadequate levels of vitamin C have inadequate levels of vitamin E are inadequate in vitamin D
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