Health Hotline Magazine | March 2025

Bounce Back with Black Seed Oil The oil from this tiny seed has powerful antioxidant and anti-in flammatory effects, leading researchers to investigate its effect on hair loss. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study including 20 patients with telogen effluvium found that the daily use of a lotion containing 0.5% black seed oil applied on the scalp for three months significantly increased hair density and thickness, as well as reduced scalp inflammation, characterized by severe itching and redness. Seventy percent of the black seed oil group saw significant improvement, leading the researchers to con clude, “…we suggest that topical use of [black seed oil] for TE treatment can be considered as a valid alternative to traditional therapies such as minoxidil.” Double Trouble for Stopping Hair Loss Rosemary and peppermint essential oils have been shown to be highly effective at treating hair thinning and hair loss. Load ed with unique therapeutic properties, it’s no wonder so many haircare products are popping up containing one or both of these oils. Rosemary Oil In a randomized controlled trial of 100 AGA patients, topical rosemary oil applied to the scalp daily was deemed compara ble to the effects of topical minoxidil, an over-the-counter hair growth medicine (Rogaine® is the brand name), without the side effects. Both the rosemary group and minoxidil group demonstrated a significant increase in hair count at six months. In the study, rosemary proved effective in the treatment of AGA, by “improving the vascularity and the circulation of blood, in addition to enhancing the regeneration of the hair follicles.”

Peppermint Oil In an animal study looking at the effect of peppermint oil on hair growth in mice, the animals were randomized into four groups: saline, jojoba oil, minoxidil, and peppermint oil (concentrated at 3%). At the end of four weeks, the peppermint oil (PEO) showed to be the most effective at promoting hair growth—by 92 percent in the PEO group compared to only 55 percent in the minoxidil group—showing significant hair follicle elonga tion, increasing hair follicle number, and increasing the gene expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a biomarker for enhanced hair growth. Of the four experimental groups, the peppermint oil group provided the most prominent hair growth effects. With so many hair loss products out there, it can make your head spin. Take matters into your own hands and incorporate these natural, safe, and e ective remedies for a new haircare cocktail that can revive your luscious locks!

Note: Before incorporating essential oils into your daily haircare routine, conduct a patch test on your skin to rule out an allergic reaction. Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, at a standard ratio of two drops of essential oil per 5 mL of carrier oil. Gently massage into the scalp and leave it on during the day and/or overnight for best results.

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