Health Hotline Magazine | November 2023

premium quality turkeys

at our Always affordable SM prices

We choose Mary’s turkeys because we know they’re the best quality turkey we can offer our neighborhood. Mary’s family cares about quality more than quantity, and they prioritize animal welfare over everything else. Every turkey with Mary’s name on it is raised on the Pitman family’s ranches, with loads of fresh air & plenty of space to roam. It’s sad but true that certified organic & non-GMO birds can still come from big, faceless operations where quantity is the number-one priority. Mary’s turkeys are fed gluten-free and vegetarian feed without animal byproducts, and they’re never given antibiotics, hormones* or other growth promotants. *Federal regu ations prohibit the use of hormones in poultry products. When Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner, the birds are harvested and deep chilled to 28 degrees (safe for shipping) at Mary’s own in-house facility, so they arrive at your holiday table still fresh, never frozen * ; not many people can say that. When you choose to buy your Thanksgiving turkey from Natural Grocers ® , you can be assured you are feeding your family, friends, and yourself the best in town! The Heritage turkey is able to wander, fly, and breed naturally, resulting in an uncommonly delicious turkey, full of succulent, dark meat. *Excludes pre-cooked variety.

In Memory of Mary Pitman 2/16/1951 – 4/5/2023

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