Health Hotline Magazine | October 2019
25 % OFF
JUSTIN'S ® Organic Peanut Butter Cups Snack happy knowing you're choosing a better-for-you peanut butter cup. 1.4 OZ. | EDAP $1.75 $ 1 31
25 % OFF
25 % OFF
25 % OFF
JILZ ® Gluten-Free Crackerz A delicious, simple seeded cracker for the gluten-free, paleo, and vegan eaters. 5.5 OZ. | EDAP $5.99 $ 4 49
ONCE AGAIN ® Organic Lightly Sweetened Sunflower Seed Butter Sunflower seeds are milled smooth with organic sunflower oil and salt to create a delicious sunflower seed butter. 16 OZ. | EDAP $7.39 $ 5 54
NATURE'S PATH ® Select Organic Eco Pac Cereals Less packaging and more cereal in these Ecopacs! USDA Organic, non-GMO, and whole-grain. 23.8-32 OZ. | EDAP $9.49 $ 7 09
EPIC ® Meat Bars 25 % OFF $ 1 98
25 % OFF
25 % OFF
$ 3 29 R.W. KNUDSEN FAMILY ® Select Organic Juice Blends Pure, organic juice is yours for the tasting. Just twist the lid! 32 OZ. | EDAP $4.39
$ 16 69 HIMALAYA HERBAL ® Liver Care ®
EPIC meat snacks are created using only the highest quality meats to ensure you're only getting the best lean protein. 1.3-1.5 OZ. | EDAP $2.65
Supports the metabolic capacity of your liver and toxin-eliminating bile production.* 90 VCAP | EDAP $22.49
EDAP = Every Day Affordable Price. All items are available while supplies last; no rain checks. We reserve the right to correct errors. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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