Holly Deals
STOCKING ST UFFERS 12.13 - 12.15
Watching the stockings start to bulge, as the big day gets closer and closer, is the most enchanting kind of anticipation. We certainly had a merry time stuffing this giant stocking full of Holly Deals for our neighbors. Not only is it overflowing with magically priced goodies, our standards mean you don’t have to stress about junk in the ingredients. We NEVER allow hormones or antibiotics in your meat, artificial additives, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, or aspartame in your snacks. We say YES to organic, non-GMO, and fair trade, along with plenty of gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free selections. You can take your time strolling through the options or fill up a basket of dog treats and truffles in a hurry. Either way, you’re in the right place, because a stocking has never met a stuffer it didn’t like around here. We’ll see you on the next page for pertinent info and holly jolly gossip!
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