Health Hotline Magazine | September 2024


In recent months, concern has been growing about ack of transparency of a post-harvest fungicide coating by Apeel Sciences that has been approved for use on organic produce, though the full ingredient list has not been made public. Apeel products are being used on both conventional (as Edipeel™) and organic produce (as Organipeel™). Apeel states that their products are “made of purified mono- and diglycerides that have been derived from p ant oils” and adds “Apeel for organic produce contains citric acid.” Produce sprayed with this mysterious coating leaves us with unnecessary exposure to the ingredients themselves (which still haven’t been made clear) and to the byproducts of their processing. Fruits and vegetables are nutritional gems best kept organic. Apeel and Organipeel™ do not meet our high standards, therefore, you will never find produce coated with it at any of our stores. WE WOULDN'T EVE D EAM OF SELLING P ODUCE COATED WITH APEEL/O GANIPEEL —NOT NOW, NOT EVE ! DID YOU NOW O GANIPEEL™ CAN BE ON THIS O GANIC P ODUCE?

We’re the only arge grocery store chain to offer 100% organic produce, so you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination with conventional produce, like you do at other retailers. Check out our wide selection of organic, Always Affordable SM produce today.

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