Health Hotline Magazine | September 2024

Zinc. Like vitamins C and D, this trace mineral is crucial for the proper functioning of the immune system and works synergistically with C and D to support both innate and adaptive immunity. These nutrients are actively used by immune cells to fight infections, including upper respiratory tract infec tions. Even moderate deficiencies in zinc can increase the risk of infection, and according to one review, “…impaired immune functions due to inadequate zinc status may be the most common cause of secondary immunodeficien cy in humans.” Zinc influences the activity of important immune cells like macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells, and is required for certain immune cells to communicate. Zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce both the risk and duration of pneumonia in children and the elderly, as well as reducing the incidence of infections like the common cold and flu. Take: 30 mg daily for long-term support. Increase to 50-75 mg daily during times of infection. Selenium. Selenium is another trace mineral that is important in maintaining healthy immunity. In people who are not severely selenium deficient, sele nium supplementation has been shown to stimulate the immune response, including enhancing immune cell response to antigens. Other research indicates that selenium plays a role in regulating the expression of cytokines, cell-signaling molecules that play a crucial role in immune response. Selenium deficiency has been shown to impair the immune response, allowing viruses to freely replicate, and to increase a person’s susceptibility to viral infections. Take: 100-200 mcg daily. B-complex. Take a B-complex daily to support general health and overall im mune function. B6, B1, and B12 are especially important for immune health. Low B6 intake has been associated with impaired immune function, including decreased production of lymphocytes (white blood cells and T-cells) and interleukin-2, which is crucial in the body’s response to infection. B1 (thiamin) supports healthy levels of inflammation, particularly during the early stages of the immune response, known as innate immunity. This helps maintain a balanced immune response, a key feature of immune competence. B12 is also important to immune function because it is necessary for proper cell division and growth, including that of white blood cells. Take: A quality B-complex supplement will cover the bases, but for extra immune support, you may consider adding B6, B1, and B12 in addition to the B complex. Probiotics. As already mentioned, a large portion of immune cells are located in our GI tracts, with growing research indicating that a healthy gut microbiome plays a vital role in defending the body against pathogens, while dysbiosis can increase the risk of get ting an infection. In addition to regularly eating fermented

An Easy Way to Boost Immune Competence: Spend Time in Nature! We know that spending time in nature is good for us. In fact, research has found that regular exposure to greenspaces—whether a forest, a city park, or your garden—re duces the risk of type-2 diabetes, cardio vascular disease, and high blood pressure, as well as supports good mental health and better overall health. And some research ers say that it’s nature’s ability to enhance immune function that is central to all of those other health benefits. Researchers know that exposure to nature puts the body into “rest and digest” mode and out of “fight or flight” mode; when our bodies are in “rest and digest” it allows the body to build strong immunity. An even more intriguing way that nature exposure enhances immunity was discovered via the Japanese art of forest bathing, or shinrin yoku , which is simply just being in nature— not hiking, not exercising—but just sitting quietly and taking in the green surrounding you, whether in a forest or your yard. By studying the effects of forest bathing, researchers have discovered that breathing in phytoncides, airborne chemicals released by trees and plants that protect them from disease, have antibacterial and antifungal properties that boost our own immune systems. One way in which they do this is by increasing the number of natural killer cells, specialized cells involved in innate immunity, and decreasing inflammation. One recent study found that the increased activity of natural killer cells from a three day, two-night forest bathing trip lasted for more than 30 days. So the next time you go camping, or even just spend time sitting outside, taking in the trees, think of it as a long-lasting boost to your immune system!

foods, consider adding a daily probiotic supplement to optimize gut health. Take: What the label suggests. Strains including Bifidobacterium bifidum , Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG , B. lactis , and L. brevis provide preventive benefits when taken long term.

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