Health Hotline Magazine | September 2024

Taking a B-complex is a terrific approach to covering your bases for total-body health, including brain health, during times of stress. Clinical signs of insu icient intake of B vitamins are mood changes, insomnia, changes in appetite, and sugar cravings. One B vitamin, thiamine (B ), is especially important if you su er from brain fog. Your brain loves energy, as do the rest of your nerves, and vitamin B is a cofactor in a zillion energetic reactions in the brain. Because thiamine is so vital to energy use in the brain, deficiency leads to a reduction of energy available for brain cells, ultimately causing symptoms like confusion, reduced memory, sleep disturbances, and depression. One study found that taking mg of B daily “was associated with reports of being more clearheaded, composed, and energetic.”


Just roll with it with rhodiola ! is adaptogenic herb has been used to treat anxiety, fatigue, and depression for centuries. While it may be foreign to some, the studies speak for themselves. One examined the e ects of taking mg of rhodiola extract per day for four weeks in subjects with life- and work-related stress. A er just three days, they found significant improvements in markers of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety. In another study investigating the e ects of stress-related burnout, rhodiola improved many participants’ symptoms, including stress and depression. Rhodiola works with your body to adapt to stress and increases your body’s resistance to stress, allowing you to be er cope during stressful times. Another nutrient worth noting is bacopa , a nootropic herb, a type of supplement

that’s taken for its positive e ects on the brain. Supplementation with bacopa has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood, increase memory, and is used as a general cognitive enhancer. Bacopa is known to a ect the neurotransmi ers dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). ese neurotransmi ers are involved in memory, mood, and relieving anxiety. P.S., one more thing. Phosphatidylserine (PS) , pronounced phos·pha·ti·dyl·se(ə)r-ˌēn, is a phospholipid (a type of fat that is an integral part of cell membranes) and is a component of the billions of cells that form your brain. Research has found that PS normalizes stress related biomarkers—namely cortisol, the “stress hormone”—in chronically stressed individuals. One double-blind study showed that short-term PS supplementation improved daily functioning, mental health, and self-reported general wellbeing in older individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, memory issues related to chronic stress, the natural aging process, mental health conditions, and insomnia have all been shown to be improved by supplementation with PS. While stress is inevitable, you can make your mind and body more resilient and reduce the harmful e ects of stress with stress-relieving supplements. March on with mighty magnesium , bolster your health with beneficial B vitamins , roll with the punches with rhodiola , find your balance with bacopa, and push through life’s stresses with phosphatidylserine .


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